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Supporters of the museum gathered for tea while all wearing their best hats, while Professor Pski explained the origins of the tea dress in England which evolved into the afternoon dress in America.
Professor Pski is available for speaking engagements.
A talented public speaker, both entertaining and informative,
Professor Pski can talk about fashion, modern and vintage. Have her out to speak on the best wardrobe for today's working woman, on the descent of design in women's fashion, or historical topics from the rise of the tea gown to the impact of war on fashion.
She has given talks at history museums and art museums,
at public libraries, at colleges and high schools, to women's clubs and sewing groups. Beautifully illustrated with slides, or demonstrated with clothing made from original vintage patterns, her talks win rave reviews from listeners young and old.
If you would like to have her out to speak,
please use the "Contact" button to send a message.
Professor Pski gave the keynote address to more than 500 members of the American Sewing Guild at their annual conference in Indianapolis, IN.
Linda Przybyszewski, PhD
Lost ARt Events
Professor Pski
Professor Pski illustrated the evolution of fashion with her own garments made from vintage sewing patterns at a branch of the St. Joseph County Public Library.